This is a tailored fitness program for men in their 50's & 60's that want to regain their mojo, vim, vigor and gusto.
We focus on three core areas over the 8 week program

Whether you like it or not men naturally lose muscle and bone density as they age. This is why it is imperative to incorporate resistance training into your program if you want to maintain your posture, activity levels and longevity.
Food is natures medicine and is more important than the other two put together with regards to longevity and health. You can literally turn back the clock by cleaning up your diet and we show you how.
With most of my clients you could play a violin on their hamstrings. Years of activity without stretching can result in an uncomfortable existence, feeling tight and sore but the great news is this is also reversible. We will give you the tools to fix even the most chronic pain.

Success journal for tracking your results

Online support and accountability
WHAT'S Included?
WHAT'S Included?

4 Personal Training Sessions per week
Nutrition Guide

Delicious healthy recipes ebook



Brendan has recently returned from running an award winning fitness business in Dubai for over a decade. He has glowing reviews and results in turning peoples lives around with his holistic yet systematic approach to health and fitness. Having specialised in fat loss he has evolved into a trainer that is passionate about not only body composition but also health and mobility which is an area that many people suffer with. He's also an experienced rugby player and coach having spells at Exmouth, Exeter Chiefs & Dubai Hurricanes.

Brendan leading one of the many group classes in Dubai.
Previous results and reviews

Online Price
£125 Per Week
Speak to Brendan directly on 07949399623
As featured in

If you don't get results then you will get 100% of your money back.
I'll tell you exactly why I offer this unbeatable guarantee.
At the end of the day, you’re looking for results. You know that you want to get in shape and feel better about yourself and you know that you have a lot of different options in getting there.
You can get get a workout from a magazine, you can buy a workout dvd, or you can start running.
But I doubt this is what you want or you wouldn't be reading this. You know there are time and money wasting methods out there and you’ve probably tried most of them.
The magazine can't correct your technique, the workout dvd is actually a load of rubbish from a C list TV celeb desperately trying to make a quick buck and running is just bloody boring unless you're training for an event or aren't interested in a balanced physique.
I hope you read and listen to all of the testimonials on this page because I want you to feel confident in my ability to get you from A-B in the safest way and in the shortest time.
I am looking forward to supporting your fitness journey and helping you to develop the easy-to-use tools needed to see your progress continue way into the future.
Health and fitness is a lifestyle, not a gimmick...
Chat soon!